Cooking with cum?

D_Farmoure Dickthanyew

Experimental Member
Sep 8, 2008
I remember coming across this website many years ago but never paid it any attention. It was filled with recipes using semen. Then about a year and a half ago, about the time I found this site. I went back and the website had nothing on it.

I just checked again yesterday and there are no recipes on the site but they have a cookbook out now. 'Natural Harvest: A collection of semen based recipes".

Has anybody here bought it, tried any recipes? or any other personal recipes?
I know that fish sperm are used in cooking (not in this country) but never heard of cum. Although once many years ago I fucked a thanksgiving turkey and then shot all over it before I put it in the oven (my bf had done one of the dinner guests and I was pissed) but thats not really a recipe. :biggrin1:
That's disgusting!

some of the things people do here are truly repulsive and make me wonder if I even want to be associated with the human (male) race. even animals dont pull that gross of shit off!

and this thread is made by a guy who claims to be 99% straight... yeah right.

some of the things people do here are truly repulsive and make me wonder if I even want to be associated with the human (male) race. even animals dont pull that gross of shit off!

and this thread is made by a guy who claims to be 99% straight... yeah right.

The book was written by females, ones who generally swallow your cum after you shoot it in their mouth anyways. I can think of a million things less "Repulsive". But if you don't want to be associated with humans anymore feel free to start a new race.

That being said, if I really wanted to know what it tasted like I would have bough the book and tried it. I've never tasted cum and highely doubt I ever will. I was surprised by the possitive reviews this cookbook got so I asked. If that makes me less than 99% straight then alright.

some of the things people do here are truly repulsive and make me wonder if I even want to be associated with the human (male) race. even animals dont pull that gross of shit off!

and this thread is made by a guy who claims to be 99% straight... yeah right.

Remember he is only 23 still awaiting the ther testicle to drop. "To each their own"

BTW Animals throw up and eat it, Eat their own shit and the shit of other animals, Stick their noses in the ass of someone they just met and lick their own balls just because the can. (I know humans do this too).

The funny thing about the last one is they lick themselves when the know you are looking at them. Almost as if to say "Jealous asshole, Now feed me"

Before you pass judgement on someone else, think of all the things you do in private. Picking your nose and eating it, smelling your dirty underwear, rubbing your hand behind your balls and smelling your fingers and I know that 99% of this world has wiped their ass and smelled the paper. All of you people are going to jump my ass about this, But you've done it.

While your back there at least pull my hair.
Although once many years ago I fucked a thanksgiving turkey and then shot all over it before I put it in the oven (my bf had done one of the dinner guests and I was pissed) but thats not really a recipe. :biggrin1:

hope you wore protection:

Reiter’s syndrome, which includes and is sometimes referred to as “reactive arthritis” is an uncommon, but debilitating, result of a Salmonella infection. Reiter’s syndrome is a disorder that causes at least two of three seemingly unrelated symptoms: reactive arthritis, eye irritation, and urinary tract infection (Hill Gaston & Lillicrap, 2003).

The third site for Reiter’s syndrome symptoms is the urogenital tract. This includes the prostate, urethra, and penis in men

Symptoms of Salmonella Infection | Salmonella Food Poisoning
Before you pass judgement on someone else, think of all the things you do in private. Picking your nose and eating it, smelling your dirty underwear, rubbing your hand behind your balls and smelling your fingers and I know that 99% of this world has wiped their ass and smelled the paper. All of you people are going to jump my ass about this, But you've done it.
you are one sick and twisted fuck man dude.

ive smelt my underwear briefly once or twice, not every night like some people... and ive smelt my ball sweat once or twice, but its not something I enjoy and look forward to like some people here...

but eating snot and smelling your own shit? you have fucking mental problems dude. you can just keep trying to convince yourself that we all do it to make yourself feel better about it. seriously, you are fucked in the head.

im beginning to wonder about this site.. some of the shit I hear of you guys pulling off is truly repulsive and disgusting, I cant believe how sick minded some people out there are, this site sure opened my eyes thats for sure.
Sure asshole in your 23 years you've seen it all. Some day you'll grow up and see that this world is made up of all different kinds and types of people.

Coming to a porn site and judging completly anonymous people on what they write shows what a clown fucker you really are.

BTW fuck-tard like Howard Stern always says turn the channel or turn it off. But you won't because like most on here you can't wait to see what comes next.
Did you do it? Did it get eaten?

Just askin'

I did, and it did.

It was a large ham and pineapple. There were pictures once. I don't know where they are now.

It was actually quite a thrill.

But what I really want is to have at a Thanksgiving Day spread.


So says kinky me.
So now that I know what people think about cookin with it.

I'm curious what makes it so much worse using it as an ingredient than just swallowing it. I ask because there are constantly threads on here about eating cum, and how people save days worth before drinking it. I've read posts in these threads before where someone makes icecubes with his cum. I find that much less apealing than using it in brownies or something. But again, I have never tried sperm and don't know what the texture/taste is really like.